OC Operating Rules
Rule 1
All paddlers (except the second paddler on an OC-2) are required to sign out a canoe using the online reservation system AND check in and out on the handwritten log sheet in the OC Equipment Storage box.
Only BRCC-Certified OC Paddlers are allowed to reserve an OC online.
All paddlers, including guests on an OC-2, are required to have a current waiver on file with BRCC. A guest waiver filled out and left on the clipboard in the locker before paddling is considered to be “on file.”
Rule 2
Only BRCC members who are OC certified by BRCC may paddle a BRCC OC-1 or be the person in charge of an OC-2. Exceptions can be arranged for participating in time trials supervised by the Small Fleet manager, a BRCC Coach, or person designated by either of the above. Exceptions may also be arranged for training sessions under the direct supervision of the Small Fleet Manager.
Rule 3
An OC Certified Paddler may host one non-member uncertified guest on an OC-2. A guest can paddle an OC-2 with BRCC member/OC Certified Paddler up to three times. After three introductory sessions, new paddlers are asked to join BRCC
Rule 4
A foam vest type PFD MUST be worn. A fanny pack or other style of inflatable PFD is not acceptable.
Rule 5
A leash must be used while paddling the OCs. Only one leash needs to be worn by one of the paddlers in an OC-2.
Rule 6
After sunset, lights visible from all directions must be shown. One bike light worn by the paddler is generally not sufficient, two lights should be used to be visible from all directions.
Rule 7
The OCs shall not go past the breakwater into the open SF Bay without a support vessel such as another OC, kayak or dragon boat within easy hailing distance and remaining close enough to assist in case of an emergency.
Rule 8
If the small boats go past the breakwater wall they must stay within 200 yards of the shoreline, and shall not go south of the old Hs. Lordships restaurant building or north of the NW corner of Cesar Chavez Park.

Rule 9
The OCs shall not go outside the protection of the breakwaters if the wind is over ten (10) knots (11.5 mph) or if there are white caps visible in the waters outside the marina.
Rule 10
Any damage, leaks or mechanical problems with the boat shall be recorded on the log sheet when returning the OC. The Small Fleet Manager and Fleet Captain shall be notified if the issue is considered critical. Damage shall be reported regardless of whether the damage occurred during the present use or was a pre-existing condition.
Rule 11
If a boat is considered not safe for use, a conspicuous note shall be left on the boat and the Small Fleet Manager and the Fleet Captain shall be notified.
Procedures for OC Operation and Storage
The OCs are stored fully assembled:
If a boat is considered not safe for use, a conspicuous note shall be left on the boat and the Small Fleet Manager and the Fleet Captain shall be notified.